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>> This patch was made in 2018, results can differ in newer Max versions.
>> The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind
This patch is about creating the Dolly-Zoom, also known as the Vertigo Effect or Vertigo Shot in OpenGL by manipulating the Field of View and Position of the "The visual appearance for the viewer is that either the background suddenly grows in size and detail and overwhelms the foreground, or the foreground becomes immense and dominates its previous setting, depending on which way the dolly zoom is executed. As the human visual system uses both size and perspective cues to judge the relative sizes of objects, seeing a perspective change without a size change is a highly unsettling effect, often with strong emotional impact." (source: wikipedia). It also contains a depth of field effect by using a and it uses easing for the movement with ease~.
If you have any questions, comments, bug-reports or suggestions. Please e-mail me via
This software is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. See the license for more details: